Are you ready for this Halloween event at SNA International Schools?

Our primary student will have the opportunity to compete in the contest called “Tales before midnight”. Students will put on impressive costumes and tell a fairy story that they love the most in their creative voice.

Another small requirement is that every student must record a short video as a part of their submission and send it to our judges to be graded. The best video will have the opportunity to receive extremely attractive gifts!

Let’s find out about the “Spooky Contest” below:

CONTEST NAME: Tales before midnight

PARTICIPANTS: Primary students

OBJECTIVES: Students pick 1 story from Epic library (, and retell it in their own way in form of 3 – 5 minutes. The chosen topic must be within these 4 aspects: Human; Society; School/Education; Medical.

⭕ VIDEO FORMAT: Resolution: 720p – 1080p | Length: 3 – 5 minutes | *Avoid using any copyright music/footage

❓ HOW TO JOIN: Candidates submit their entries with title format: “TBM _Student Name_Grade_Submission Name” and send it to the email address:

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EVALUATION CRITERIA: Top-10 videos will be chosen based on these criteria

✅ Social reach: based on view counts, videos with higher view counts will be awarded

✅ Engaging storytelling

✅ Good illustration

✅ Meaningful story

✅ Costume

✅ Music

✅ Unique/creative aspect (Utilizing music instruments, video effects, etc.)


1st prize: 02 Polaroids cameras

2nd prize: 02 Sony headphones

3rd prize: 03 Anker Portable battery

Consolation prizes: 05 SNA KIT

Well well well… which contestant will tell the best story??? Come on, students, quickly record and start the contest to receive interesting gifts from the organizers of the program! Let’s go!

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