In the ever-evolving landscape of global integration, how can Vietnamese students simultaneously access a world-class education and preserve their rich national cultural heritage? Addressing this crucial question, SNA Marianapolis International School has pioneered a holistic educational approach that not only prioritizes academic excellence but also deeply instills Vietnamese cultural values, fostering a sense of national pride and identity in each generation of students.
The Significance of Teaching Vietnamese Culture in an International Setting
Education is more than the transmission of knowledge; it is a transformative journey of character development and value formation. Within Vietnam’s comprehensive educational goals, nurturing morality, intellect, and national spirit in young people remains paramount. In the context of globalization, preserving Vietnamese cultural identity takes on even greater significance. It provides the essential foundation for students to embrace global perspectives while maintaining their patriotism and national self-esteem.

Recognizing this vital connection, SNA Marianapolis not only embraces multiculturalism and respects diversity but also places a strong emphasis on teaching Vietnamese cultural values. We encourage students to delve into Vietnamese culture through history, literature, and art curricula. This approach ensures that students not only remember their roots but also cultivate a sense of national pride – an invaluable asset as they navigate the global stage.
Efforts to Promote and Preserve Vietnamese Cultural Heritage
As emphasized by Professor Tu Thi Loan, former Acting Director of the Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies, “National identity forms the character, quintessence, the ‘national soul and spirit’ of Vietnamese culture, ensuring the longevity of the nation. Cultural identity also contributes to building resilience and inner strength, helping us ‘integrate without dissolve,’ standing firm in the torrent of globalization. Cultural identity creates resistance, becoming a counterweight to resist cultural invasion and cultural hegemony in today’s international integration.”
Embracing this ethos, SNA Marianapolis consistently strives to preserve and promote Vietnamese cultural heritage through various practical initiatives. In addition to mandatory Vietnamese studies classes for local students, we organize a diverse range of extracurricular activities centered around Vietnamese culture, history, and art. These include visits to historical sites, cultural performances showcasing folk traditions, and specialized lectures on Vietnamese history, culture, and art, held regularly throughout the year. Notably, during major holidays and traditional festivals such as the Mid-Autumn Festival, Lunar New Year (Tet), Hung Kings Commemoration Day, Southern Liberation Day (April 30th), and National Day (September 2nd), we create opportunities for students to experience and gain a deeper understanding of traditional cultural values.

These efforts not only strengthen Vietnamese students’ connection to their cultural roots, equipping them with the cultural confidence needed for global integration, but also introduce the beauty of Vietnamese culture to international students, fostering understanding and affection for Vietnam.
The Spirit of Integration Without Assimilation
“Culture is the soul of a nation. When culture remains, the nation remains. When culture is lost, the nation is lost…” This ancestral wisdom, reiterated by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the National Cultural Conference in 2021, underscores the pivotal role of culture in a nation’s survival and development.

The curriculum at SNA Marianapolis is meticulously designed to ensure that students access the most advanced global knowledge while preserving their national cultural identity. This is the key to empowering them to confidently integrate into the world without losing their sense of self. Upon entering the global arena, these students carry not only knowledge but also a distinctive cultural heritage, becoming global citizens with a strong individual identity and ambassadors of Vietnamese culture.
Embracing integration without assimilation, they possess the resilience and preparedness to confidently and effectively learn and work in international environments. The dedication to celebrating and preserving Vietnamese cultural identity at SNA Marianapolis is not merely a responsibility but a source of pride, contributing to the development of a new generation of young Vietnamese who are both academically accomplished and deeply rooted in patriotism and national self-esteem.
SNA Marianapolis International School
- Location: 397, 30/4 Street, Trung Dung Ward, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province
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- Hotline: 0932 083 886
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